October 26th 2017

So much accomplished today!

Bullet notes!

-got my sick hubby to bed
-washed my hair
-started laundry
-made drop off at Grace Café
-drop off at Mom's
-pick up at Timmies
-crafts and Halloween with Dad
-gas and car wash
-gas and car wash for the other car
-Dollar Tree
-cleaned out cars
-75 Halloween treats ready
-laundry hung up
-printing for friend done
-John back to bed
-stocked all cleaners
-groceries gotten
-stained glass repair dropped off
-drop off at Mom's
-wedding gift wrapped
-event location contacted
-groceries all put away
-fb posts caught up
-late supper
-laundry away
-summer clothes replaced
With fallier type stuff
-dishwasher loaded and started

I am pooped.
An hour past my bedtime
But I got stuff done!

Now meds and bed!

Good night from John Street


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