August 31st 2017

I hate early days.
Dad had an appointment 
at Vic in London at 11am.

This meant a very early start
as we would have to load Dad
in and out of the van
JUST me and Mom.

Not badly done.
We were doing well 
until I realized I went down Highbury
instead of Wellington....
no prob I will take Commissioners
NOPE! missed that too....
I swear I was still asleep driving.
We got to the appointment in plenty
of time, had donuts for breakfst
AND the doctor took us in early.
All is good and we got out of there
fairly unscathed with good news,
and I got an appointment
with my Gastroenterologist too!

Lunch picked up
we headed for home.
Got Dad delivered back to VV
and headed over and got banking done too.

Home again and looked around....
my "life" was a mess.
A dirty house, 1/2 done chores,
things for tomorrow not even started.....

It was time for a post it note wall.
SO I walked the house
making a job list to post at 4pm.
With dinner eaten,
by 10pm I was at 42 chores for the day.

House looks better,
the stuff for the anniversary is ready,
laundry all away.... booyah.

Now it is time for John to head for work,
and me to get some sleep.

Tomorrow is my parents' 55th Anniversary.
Another busy day.

Good night from John Street


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