JAN 19

January 19th 2017

I woke up early,
very sore
and since I spent
yesterday in bed,
I got up and started moving.

I had a cinnamon bun
in Dad's hand at Valleyview
just after 9am.
We sat by the fireplace
and talked for a bit,
before I headed to meet
the tv installers at the house.

Mom and I spent the morning
making phone calls
and changing addresses,
while the tv installers
ran cables and hooked up
wireless tv boxes and satellite.
The wall mounted tvs look great.

I spent the afternoon
tagging garbage bags
and putting all that out for pick up,
then headed for the basement
where I got the new bar built!

I left there just in time
to head over to Valleyview
as it was dart night!
FUN! I was wrangled
into score keeping
when the girl running it alone
found her hands full
with 25 people on hand!!!!!!!!!
(including onlookers etc)

I was back out by 8pm
Dad worn out
having come in 5th tonight overall.
Off to do some banking
in the very thick fog we had,
and a stop at Walmart.

By the time I got home
I was exhausted.
I could barely move,
but instead made John some supper
for when he gets home,
straightened up a bit.......

and now I am too exhausted
to do anything but crawl into bed.

My jaw is still sore from yesterdays
adventure with the dentist,
and my back is stiff.

Good night from John Street


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