
August 8th 2015

Anyone with a chronic illness
can attest to needing strength.
LOTS of it.
There are struggles and decisions we make everyday,
that most people could not even 
begin to understand.

That being said,
A LOT of our strength comes from our supporters.
Unfortunately our supporters
are sometimes also tired, 
and forget they are our lifeline
and the source of our strength and commitment.

When they faulter
whether they know it or not,
this can be the difference in how someone
with a chronic illness reacts.
How long the recovery is,
and the side side-effects that are caused.

My knight on a white horse
is getting pretty rusty.
This last fight with the unknown
caught us all off guard,
but my knight
seemed a little more self interested this time.
For the first time in a long time
I think he actually questioned
how sick I actually felt!
He came through for me
with much reservation.

I am sure he is tired and grumpy 
about the waiting period it takes at a hospital 
(4 hours)
when there were only a handful of patients,
and that he had just gotten home for
a whole weekend
when this came flying at him 
ruining his friday night.
I did not plan this,
nor do I want any part of this new illness.
Nothing I did caused this new development,
in fact...
I have had this before 
and blamed my Crohn's and the medications.

So I guess part of the lesson here
(unless I want to have a stable full of white horses
and a massive amount of armour to shine
and good grief who needs that much testosterone)
in their home...
I will have to learn to ride
my own steed
and hope that my original knight
finds his way back to give me some strength.

I have always had my own 
fountain of strength
to draw upon...
Make the best of a worst situation attitude.

I bid you adieu for the evening from John Street.


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