
August 6th 2015

Its funny how 
someone can look at you and just know
what you are trying to hide.

My skills at hiding what is bothering me
are in question!

I had my infusion.
That signals (usually) that for a couple days
I am tired but getting back to normal.
The last few infusions have not followed that pattern.

When I first received these treatments
I would feel soooo much better than I had,
but then, I was very ill.
Paula sat by my side
and comforted me through 
the 3 hour long process at first.
We knew what it was going to do so
side effects were the least of our worries.

But now that I am relatively back to normal,
the infusion helps but is less than a miracle day.
So after remicade is in
any side effects I have
I have always related back to my crohns and the meds
and accepted that as normal.

I slept late today,
woke up in a good mood and ready to do 
whatever had been left till now.
I got up and got dressed
to head over and do a few chores
even though I was still tired and achy.
I was determined to make tacos for Judy after she got off work.

I was about 1/2 way through the store,
when I broke out in a cold sweat
and felt awful.

I checked out
and decided to treat myself to a Dixieburg
where Judy works.
She saw me and told me to go home 
and go to bed,
apparently I looked awful.

She gave me my ice cream
(which is a combination orange slurpie 
and vanilla soft serve ice cream)
came home crawled into bed and slept 
until she arrived home at 5pm.

I still felt unwell so she set me up with a movie
and made us tacos for supper.
God love her!

Its late now, and I am on the road to sleep hopefully.

Those afternoon naps are not helping me sleep
at a normal time.

Good night from John Street.


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