Feb 3

February 3rd 2015

Home of the

FROZEN HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes indeed,
a pee at 6am turned into a nightmare that lasted 

No we are not talking about a song, a movie,
an igloo (well I guess sort of!)
we are discussing the fact that at 6am,
the lover of cold and hater of socks,
the wearer of t-shirts and hater of coats,
found it a might chilly.

A quick look at the thermostat
divulged the fact that the house temperature was:

40 degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not to toot my own horn 
but honk honk!
I actually knew what to do.
Down to the basement I went,
splashed through a puddle on the floor.....
wait! puddle? hmmmmm but I digress.
Found the on/off switch 
checked the breakers 
and rebooted the furnace.
It came back on, and I headed to bed and the comfort
of my just recently added electric blanket.

All well and good except that when I got up,
(oops) at 11am,
it was only 43 degrees........
So, a quick call to the hubby to ensure I had
indeed remembered everything I was supposed to do
in this situation,
and I was now required to check the intake vent!
Did I mention that we have 3 foot snow drifts?
Well I clambered through one,
wearing boots that promptly filled with snow
and checked.
All looked good so,
I went back in and shut 

While I was down there,
I took a look around for any obvious signs of trouble.
Well apparently I missed the big one.

The furnace started up again and I 
headed up to get the space heaters working.

At 3pm after rebooting a couple times
I called in the reinforcements.

He was awesome. 
He was here within an hour and like a caped crusader
braved the trip to the basement
to announce....

"didn't you notice all that water?"

Well apparently the party the furnace and the water heater
had on the snow day yesterday,
caused a cracked tap on the water heater 
(hence the puddles)
and a ice filled intake vent on the furnace
(hence no heat)
THESE were the big problems I was having.

My superhero
did NOT overcharge me!
he was super super nice (hahahha pun intended)!
and saved me and Judy from a night
of frozen sleep
and likely a flooded basement!

I traveled on my way to therapy and then coffee.
I am snug and comfortable
and headed to bed.

Good night from John Street


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