
February 8th 2015

Success is not measured
by how much money you make ...
success is the feeling you have 
after completing what you set out to do in a day.

My 8 necessary jobs today. all we needed to do today to finish John's closet
was to hang a closet shelf ... CHECK!, the job I needed John to do this weekend
was to pick up parts and fix the vaccuum ... CHECK!, with all the snow last week
we needed to fix the back deck plastic ... CHECK!, with John leaving today, he needed food
buy all the truck groceries ... CHECK!, 
I was invited by Anne C to a Tupperware party ... CHECK!, Love my crock-pot for a busy day
I chose to make cabbage rolls and egg noodles for supper ... CHECK!, 
the car was running on empty so get gas in John's car ... CHECK! 
the water cooler has been empty all week
get water jug refilled ... CHECK!,
won a ton of scrapbook embellishments so I had to pay ebay CHECK!.

You know what makes you feel better
about accomplishing your list?

Hearing that you making steps forward,
inspired someone else to try too!

I think success is shared.
I am happy about being a part 
of someone else's success.

Tomorrow is another day
with a whole new list of things to do.

So good night from John Street.


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