feb 20

Friday February 20th 2015

a - Alias tv series
b - bought Judy supper
c - get coca cola
d - drop off 50 cent stuff
e - played on ebay
f - facebook chats all day
g - get gas in truck
h - happy dog today
i - tonsillitis infection
j - just too cold
k - John doing a late night Kellogg's run tonight
l - late night blog writing
m - mess when flower vase tipped over
n - no mail
o - organized some classes and events
p - coconut cream pie
q - quietly accomplished a lot
r - hot roast beef sandwiches
s - scrap booking packed
t - talked to John on the phone
u - used up leftovers for lunch
v - VIP scrapfest tickets acquired
w - wake up late
x - Christmas being packed up
y - yearning for my house to be back to normal
z - zipped Judy over to school

That was my day 

Good night from John Street


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