Nov 18th 2019

Definitely not the day
I anticipated having
After waking up in a "do it"
Kind of mood.

I was on a path of completion
When suddenly and very abruptly
My whole mood snapped.
I described it as feeling brittle.

I managed some cleaning, cooking
And my beautiful studio
Is clean again... but
I was still grizzly.

Took Dad to Wal-Mart to shop
For a couple hours
Then came home to finish making
A roast beef dinner 
complete with corn bread!

I spent the evening staring blankly
At some weird show john 
was watching and almost fell asleep.

He's off to work now.
I just cleaned up the bedroom
And guzzled a bottle of water.
Otter and I are going to snuggle down
And read for a bit,
While trying to stay awake to call Mom
And say Happy Birthday first.

Hopefully this cantankerous mood
Is gone by morning.

Good night from John Street


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