Nov 11th 2019

Started the day
With a pony tail and work clothes.

We watched the Veteran's Day
Events in Ottawa before 
Taking on the to do list 
I made last night before bed.

Started a challenge chat
Lunch for hubby
loaded dishwasher and ran it
washed oversize pots, dried and away
scrubbed counters
swept kitchen
made curry chicken for supper in crock pot
Gassed john’s car
3 loads of laundry – washed and hung (don’t use dryer)
2 loads folded and away
towels to mom's for a fluff and dry
Upstairs bathroom cleaned and swept
Downstairs bathroom cleaned and swept
towels downsized
Sock/slipper basket cleaned and all washed
Posted 5 files to organized Christmas site
Replaced 2 lightbulbs
Got all storm windows closed
windows sealed
Receive sunset gourmet order and packed for pick up
Vacuum bedroom
pulled out winter blankets for bed
cleaned up guitar room and vacuumed
cleared dining room table and swept
straightened living room and swept
Stairs swept
Holiday movies and cd’s out 
dusted bookcase
put away Christmas books
Washing machine cleaned 
Arranged for John’s snow tires Wednesday
Printed Christmas Dinner invite
Printed New Years invite
Put away all Birch Run purchases
CLEANED the scrapbook room
organized the desk in the office
Made dinner and hand washed all the dishes
Garbage and recycling out

I then took the rest of the evening
To sit and watch tv.

Good night from John Street


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