October 10th 2019

I just wanna cry!

The days are spinning by
Much too quickly!!!

The nap reduced the headache yesterday
I did accomplish making a full 
Pasta dinner for 3 last night
Before heading to an event meeting,
Discussing a birthday party
And actually not only listing -
But cleaning out my gift closet!
Thanks to my helper
And fellow coke drinker!

I looked up and suddenly
It was midnight already!
How could John have left 2 hours ago?

I am all packed this morning
For my Valleyview visit.
Dad will be happy to see his
Chocolate, chocolate chip muffin arrive.
Then coffee and gift Shoppe.
While clearing out the closet last night
I locateda  bunch of items I can donate.
I also have made some hair clips
In fall colours and have new jewellery too.

Hopefully straight home
And prep asparagus wrapped in ham
For supper tonight with cheese and rice.

Then back to work and finish the
Black and white albums
And put away my bag from LDO.
Book a birthday party... and post the event,
Then double check my organizer sheet
For jobs I have missed.

Too bad cookie eating doesn't get
On those job lists!!!

Good morning from John Street


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