October 23rd 2019

Tried walking without taping
My broken right toe.
Nope. Still needs tape...
Around the house length of time 
Was ok - but hurt as soon as I 
Got into Valleyview.

A nice long chat with the other
 And then a pit stop at the grocery store.

Home to hang some laundry outside,
Gather inside garbage,
Make John  some ribs for supper,
Make a hot cheese dip,
Watch a movie with my foot up
And eat some lunch.

With the kitchen clean
And John set for supper,
It was off to London for and LDO
Potluck supper at Men's.
Chatter all night and so much food.

Home to finish the swap page
And say happy birthday to 
My princess partner in crime.

Dead sleep. I actually hurt when I woke.
Woke up fast enough when I noticed
Unusual PayPal activity!

Now back for a nap
Decorate a hall
40th birthday party

Good morning from John Street


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