October 27th 2019

Weird saturday
Fraught with obstacles
(Like that word? Fraught!)
That impeded much accomplishment.

I did receive our bulk order,
Sort door prizes,
A lot of computer work - planning,
A coffee out with Dad
Because naturally it started raining
Just as he arrived at the park,
Home to organize a couple new events
We are planning to hold
And then John took me to Michaels
To pick up some of the sale paper pads
While he got a Starbucks.
Dinner at Harvey's and with the offer
Of a second coffee from Starbucks
I scored a couple more paper pads!
Home for a movie and bed.
Definitely not the day I planned.

Today is lunch with Dad.
Mom is making sausage on a bun
And we are going to get our organizers
Caught up and maybe John will
Help on this crappy crappy day!
He certainly isn't going to do
Any of the outside work he planned.

Happy last Sunday of October


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