October 16th 2019

What did leftover day produce?

10am start time
Breakfast and a to do list.

Made and sent a card.
Unpack everything from Valleyview
Make 2 shepherd's pies
Container GF chicken in gravy for freezer
Make vegetable chowder (3 pots) for freezer
And 1 for supper tonight
Make broccoli soup (2 pots) for freezer
Bag 80% of leftover turkey with gravy for freezer
As hot turkey for boxing day this year.
Defrost big freezer and scoop out
An ice rink of frost and build up then
Straighten and organize all 3 freezers
Bag half the ham and freeze
Dice the other half of the ham and freeze
Divide the balance of the turkey into bags
And freeze all 6.
Bag all leftover stuffing 
And freeze for boxing day
Freeze leftover desserts
Scrub dishes and clean kitchen
Garbage and recycling dealt with
Bedroom vacuumed
2 loads of laundry washed and hung to dry
1 load folded and put away.
Put away all the tupperware
Scrub down 3 roasters and put away
Type reminder notes from thanksgiving meal
Type pre-bought gift lists
Make cardstock order
Clean office area
Get john off to work

Today is LDO.
I did a ton of chores yesterday
So I am taking today off.

Good morning from John Street


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