Feb 5


Up and at em.
Time to pack up my stuff
And get ready to load cars.

The big breakfast send off
Was a great way to end the weekend.
Then we put all the leftovers
On the table and sort of
"Auctioned" them off.
FUNNY how much some people
Will pay for maple syrup!
Eleventy hundred.

The drive home was lovely.
It seemed to take forever
As I was yawning and had a headache.

Home after getting everyone
Where they needed to go,
John and I watched some tv
And relaxed for a while.
Dinner done,
I was off to book club.

A lively in depth kind of discussion.
Fun but ended quickly!
3 hours flew by.

Home again,
I got John out the door
And swear I will fall asleep before
He even gets out of St Thomas!

Good night from John Street


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