Feb 19


Family day.

Not here.....

I slept until almost 11!
Got dressed,
And had some breakfast.
Yup, you guessed it!
Back to bed and John took mom
To see dad at the hospital!

Got the call to pick her up
Just as I woke up again,
Feeling a lot better.

John's turn for a short nap!
I did a bit of straightening up
Made ham wrapped asparagus
On rice with a mustard sauce
For supper tonight.

John went to help dad with supper
Then home.
Supper was delicious.

Dishes done, laundry folded,
I sent John off for a rest,
He starts work at 11pm.

We managed to watch a bit of tv
Before he flew out the door.

I am changing my bedtime to 11
From 10pm as I am sleeping
Way too long lately.

Tomorrow I hope to feel
A lot better and accomplish tons.

Dad is ok.
He is a patient at STEGH,
He is aware of his surroundings,
And grumpy as ever
And his blood sugar is back down to 7.
Mom went to help at lunch
And John went at supper.

Good night from John Street


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