June 24th 2017

6 months people!
6 months from this very day!

Today I DID have a chore list
even though I was going to relax.

I did get everything done
and ready for the bbq and bonfire
before everyone started to arrive.

A nice turn out
for such iffy weather.

Dinner included:
pulled sweet and sour chicken on buns
hot dogs and sausages
homemade mac salad
potato salad
chips, cheesies and dip
fruit and dip
deviled eggs
green goop
and coffee cake

Great group in the man cave afterwards
playing three kings (cards),
and a nice group toasting marshmallows.

strawberry giant marshmallows
maple marshmallows
and regular giant marshmallows

Dad was done early tonight
damp and cold are not his thing,
but he was very happy to see the kids
had come from Beamsville.
Mike and Jess headed back to Niagara
after a lovely visit with us.

Not much else to do but clean up
and then hit the bed.

we are heading over to Moms
while she is at the casino in Niagara
to black-cloth and mulch under her deck
and move some things in the garage
to accommodate both vehicles.
It will be a surprise for her
when she goes out Monday morning.
Good night from John Street


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