
June 28th 2016

Today was a definite improvement.

I still have a low grade fever
but at least I could stay awake!
I even managed to get
a few chores done too.

I never got dressed
but worked around the house
in my pyjamas
so I was not tempted
to make any trips out.

A quiet afternoon
provided me enough time
to make a sausage an orso
crock pot for tomorrow's LDO,
and pack 5 kits to work on
with my newly printed photos.

Supper tonight
was fried perogies,
a favourite around here.
Judy and Greg were out
so it was quite quiet
around here until John got up.

I am going to call it another early night
and hope I will wake up
with no fever.

So its a good night from John Street


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