July 7


Hello saturday!
Another successful
scrapbook yard sale
Which finished with us all
Going out for milkshakes!

John got more of the scraproom
Panelling hung up.
I am getting very excited!

Mom came to pick up Tink
And ended up staying for bbq steaks.
We talked and laughed
And she finally realized
She had left the house
12 hours ago!!!!!

I spent a bit of time
Prepping the Valleyview lunch
(It's my week)
And we are having:
Bbq saucy steak strips (crock pot),
Side of fried fresh mushrooms,
Potato salad,
Corn on the cob
And ice cream sticks for dessert.
31 tote packed and ready.

I came and straightened up
The bedroom and made the bed,
Showered and set alarms.

I am now medicated for the night
And off for a date with Archie.

Good night from John Street


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