July 31


What a crazy day.
A great end to this month.

I slept in.
Was not feeling 100%
When I woke up,
So, I slept till 10.

Got dressed and headed down
To check out the floor
In the scraproom. Dry. Yes.

The room is very bright,
And by the end of the afternoon
I had placed all 3 shelving units
And 2 iris case stands!

The I also had a visit
With Mom and Charlotte.
I framed a picture,
I even ate lunch.

Then it was off to the bank,
Timmies, car wash
And pub night at Valleyview.

Off to stop in at quilting,
Signed my taxes
And then the 10pm show
Of Mamma Mia the sequel.

I laughed, I danced, I sang.
I ate a bag of licorice!!!!!

Left there singing
And made a cheeseburger pit stop
On the way home.

Now it is 1:30am!

Good night from John Street


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