July 16


I am feeling a lot better.
I have been less than awesome
Since dental surgery on thursday.

I slept for 13 hours last night.

When I got up,
John's motorcycle and load of parts
Was being delivered.
He has twin Kawasaki's now.
He organized the parts
That do not apply to either
Of these motorcycles.

Garage is cleaned up
And ready for his party this weekend.

It was time for John's
Shower and nap.
He has to work tonight.

BBQ'd burger...
I have an addiction to them,
And I spent the early evening
Repairing some Disney bibs
And located a missing set
Of tip envelopes I had made.

Bedtime soon.
I am definitely better
But not completely back to normal.
Tomorrow is another day.

Good night from John Street


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