July 21


I was unhappily up
and grocery shopping by 10am.

Was not totally sure
The weather would co-operate
For tonight's party...
But in the end it was fine.

I managed to get all the groceries
And liquor and be home by 11:30.

I was sweating bullets.
So I sat outside in the cool breeze
Enjoying some p and q
Before people started arriving.

Managed to make
all the thank you gifts
Before Mom arrived at 12:30
And we were out
To greet Dad's arrival 15 minutes later.

His bus made Shooter start barking
Like a crazed, insane dog,
And woke John up an hour early.

Some talk about the Essex
And then everyone had a job to do
Before the party guests
Started to arrive.

About 30 people came
For sausages, hot dogs
And bacon and molasses baked beans.
Thanks to so many lovely donations
To the pot luck table,
And the help serving dinner.

Thanks to so many people
For bringing such thoughtful gifts
And amazing handmade cards.

For those who missed
the newest marshmallow bonfire girl,
You missed a laugh and a half.

The party rolled on until 1am.
The yard is cleaned up,
The kitchen is cleaned up,
The food is all put away
And the birthday boy is all passed out.

Good night from John Street


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