July 19


What a wild ride today was!

Up and out of the house by 8:30.
Definitely needed a LARGE
Iced capp... no whip cream!!!

Off to Port Stanley
To pick up my co-pilot
And then off to the Penningtons
Tent sale 2018.

Not AS good as last year,
But definitely got some great deals.
Then all of us (7) headed
Over to McD's.

Drove my co-pilot home,
And headed back to town
Where, after doing some banking,
I bought frosty's and went to see Dad.

He's pretty excited
He has a date with Mom tomorrow
And then a bbq at our house saturday.

Got home
Where John was sleeping soundly,
So I quietly prepped
Broiled chicken breasts with chili sauce
And pasta with corn.
I even baked fresh cookies!

Had a drop in visitor,
Did some laundry,
Chatted with a friend,

And here it is 9:30pm already!

I have a list of stuff to do tomorrow,
Including party goods and decor,
And a bit of housework too.

Good night
From this pooped person
On John Street


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