June 4


Remicade day.

I asked to try the south London clinic
So I could save some driving time.
Epic fail!
The north clinic opens at 9
And the south at 8am.
I used to leave the house at 8
for my appointment,
Now I have to leave by 7:30.

Oh ugly o'clock how I hate you.

While sitting for the infusion
I used the free wifi
To update both my phone
And my laptop too.

I updated my eBay orders
For the September crop,
Made the garage sale event for july,
And suddenly I was done....
At the same time I would have been
If I had gone to North London.

Back in St Thomas,
Banking and bills got done
And home to do a couple loads
Of laundry and dishes.

Lunch and a nap
Took the rest of the afternoon.

Supper tonight was
Stuffed peppers and pasta.

An early night for me,
So I can be recuperated for quarterpalooza
Tomorrow night.

Good night from John Street


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