June 1


So much to do
And the muggy weather was no help.

Out of the house by 7:30 AM!
Ugly o'clock.

Picked up Mom and off to London.
Appointment at St Joes
Where she has been cleared
From all restrictions.

We headed over to No Frills
So she could pick a few things up
That were on sale.

It was getting muggy at that point,
So I got her home.
I headed over to pick up some
Fresh seafood for tomorrow's bbq
And a quick stop at the liquor store.

That was it.
I came home, ate a sandwich
And went back to bed!

Up again by 2:30 PM.
NOT ugly o'clock.

I organized all my scrapbook kits
And downsized a third of them.
My keepers are put away again too.

Made spanish rice and burritos
With fresh tomatillo sauce for supper.

I spent the evening cutting
my new ribbon supply into 2' lengths
And downsizing my cardstock stash
by half it's original size.

I also made a rhubarb pie
And a strawberry rhubarb pie!

The yard sale starts at 9am,
So I better get some sleep!

Good night from John Street


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