June 24


Whirlwind day.

Alarm did not go off...
Why I have no idea
But missed church.

Got up and ready
And off to Valleyview
For Sunday coffee with Dad.

Everyone was chipper
And Dad picked his first cucumber
Sliced it up and shared.

Home again,
Being a drizzly kind of day,
I plopped on the sofa
With intentions of napping.

Not to happen!
I was kidnapped by a friend
Who needed someone to
Crack the whip while she cleaned
Her messy scrapbook studio.

I had brought my laptop
And got a few trip items fixed
While I sat there.

John picked me up about 6
And we headed home
To create a pasta supper.

Bored, I went upstairs
And started packing the oddball
Items for my trip
After pulling out my suitcase.

I also managed to start
Making the 90 letters I will need
To create for everyone
For the upcoming trips.

Now my eyes are blurry

Good night from John Street


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