May 7


I got up ready to attack
A long to do list.

Virtually AS I started,
The almost non-ending alterations
To my work-plan day
Were switched all!

I did get some laundry done,
The bedding stripped
And the kitchen straightened
Before the chaos started.

John was in the mood
To do outside work so I left him
To some straightening, mowing
And cleaning up.

I was then picked up for lunch,
Where I did double duty
And got a few more Disney reservations
For a couple friends.
I also built a Mother's day event
And a "father's day" event...

Off to pick up some photo booth
Equipment for the September crop,
And then home again
To get some more work done.

Cleaned most of the main floor,
Made supper for both tonight
AND tomorrow night,
Watched some tv,
Posted my 50th birthday party
Leftovers online for sale,
Talked to Mom
And ate a lovely bbq hot dog
Dinner with John.

Sent hom off for a nap
While I altered pictures from my party
To be printed while I am out
Tomorrow in London.

I sorted my cardstock
Into my new organizers
Only to find out they are millimetres
Too small for 12x12 pieces.
Into the pile for returning tomorrow.

9:30 and I am exhausted.

Good night from John Street


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