May 31


Good bye May
And good bye to great neighbours
We have had since
We bought this house.
The street will never be the same.

Coffee with Dad this morning,
He liked his treat
A maple pecan struedel.
And a walnut carrot muffin
For tonight's bedtime snack.

Off and running to the mall area,
Where I picked up a deal
On wreath decor
And then one Street over
To pick up ceramic tiles.

A pit stop at Giant Tiger
Where I grabbed a couple deals,
Made an exchange
And helped a friend I ran into
Find a USB fan like mine.

Off to pick rhubarb
As Dad has requested a pie.
Connie's crop was super big
And I grabbed a big bag full.
I will thank her with a pie.

That was it.
I was soaked in sweat,
And having trouble breathing.

I turned up the car a\c
And drove home.
I sat in the driveway
for about 20 minutes before
I felt well enough to go inside.

I made quick work of prepping supper
And headed for the shower.
Light pj's was my attire
For the afternoon while I sat.

Supper turned out yummmmmmmy
Spinach and ricotta raviolli
(Notmusually my favourite) BUT
The fresh ones from Olivierri
I will buy again!!!!!
We had them with meatballs
And a rose alfredo sauce.

Bed at 8pm
After showering again.
Slept till midnight
When I got up to work
When it was a bit cooler.

2 loads of laundry folded
2 loads washed and hung
All the rhubarb diced for filling
(Still have to pick MINE!)
Pets let out for air
Garbage gathered
Yet another shower
And now back to bed (2am)

Early morning
As we head back to St Joes
To Mom's eye doctor for 8:30am!!!!!

Good night from John Street


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