May 29


To do list was lengthy.
My shopping endless.
A\C was my friend.

Home Hardware - with a list


Dollar Tree - with a list I stuck to!

Drop off at John Street


Penningtons - 3 new shirts
(gift card)

Old Navy - shoes and shirt

Additionelle -  seen dress 
but did not buy!

Giant Tiger #1 - shorts, shirt and a new fan

Urban Planet - birthday gift


Disney store - 2 tanks and a travel mug
(gift card)

Bone density test - late but made it
Got stuck in elevator

Giant Tiger #2 - 2 tank tops and a coke

Michaels - washi tape

Condo - tupperware party
Only bought 1 thing!!!!

Home again.
Tired, hot....

And what do I find?
John put the a\c back in the bedroom!
Don't tell him
But I think he is wonderful.

Time to excavate my bed.
Tink is here
Because we will be out of town tomorrow.
So Shooter felt it was necessary
To lay across my body
So everyone knows I am his.
Otter at my feet and Tink at my knees.

Hell no!
Everyone needs to get off me.

Up and out of here by 7:45am

Good night from John Street


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