May 24


Up early.
Today is the first of 4
Of Mom's 2018 surgeries.

A quick trip to Timmies
And then over to Valleyview
To drop off the Thursday donuts
And Dad's nightime snack.

Over to the condo
And got Mom all loaded up
And we were off to London.

Arrived in plenty of time,
And I wheeled her up to pre-op.
Off to the surgical suite
And I was released from duty
For 40 minutes
When I was to be back
In the waiting room.

Out she walked at 1:30.
Smiling and happy.
Her left cataract was gone
And a new lens in.

The check up was in 45 minutes
And we headed down
To check her in at the clinic.
The doctor was very pleased
And we were free to leave.

Mom was hungry
So we stopped at Taco Bell.

Then off to Valleyview
So Dad could actually SEE
That she was ok.

Got her back to the condo
And into bed for a nap.
She woke up just before 8pm.
I made her some toast
And then prepped portions of lasagna.

I also roasted a chicken for her.
John stopped by for a quick visit.
A quick load of dishes,
And now it's time for eye drops
Which SHE has to learn to do,
And then bedtime!

Good night from John Street


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