May 27


Sundays just got busier.

Mom can't drive right now
So we had to pick her up
And bring her to church
And get her home from Valleyview.

We ordered pizza for lunch
And started gardening
Around Dad's gazebo.
We brought one of 3 GIANT hostas
That was easily split into 5!!!!

I, once again, was adopted
By a small baby bird.
We found her laying on the super hot
Sidewalk after flying into (we think)
The glass bus shelter.
She seems to be doing better
And adores me.

I came home with her at 3pm
Fully intending to find help tomorrow.

John went over to the condo
To help Mom with a few chores.

5pm found John out
Building the waterfall in the pond.
It looks great.

Tomorrow is list day!
John is going to catch up
On a few "small jobs" he has been
Putting off for a while.

At 8pm,
He headed off to play guitars
With a buddy
While I chilled out with a fan.

Spring and fall are my seasons.
What the heck happened to spring?
Not a fan of being hot.

Going to fold some laundry
And then enjoy my comfy bed.

Good night from John Street


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