March 27


Busy busy bee I am.

Washed hair and zipped
My butt over to Valleyview
To make Easter cards.

Finished there
And headed to the grocery store,
As I needed snacks for tonight.

Home again,
I got the house organized and clean,
All the while
Taking lots of breaks,
To ensure that I would be able
To function at the party.

By 5pm,
I was finally ready to go.
Food and drinks ready
And all the products displayed.

The house was packed by 6:30!
A great party,
Lots of fun, shopping and chatter.

By 10:30
The house was clean again,
The dishes were all washed,
And I was sitting quietly.

The van was dropped off
To be repaired tomorrow and
John was gone for his night run.

life back into my plans
work on what I want to work on
add playing and crafting
friendship is necessary
I need me (alone) time
Use my talents

Good night from John Street


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