March 24


Loving someone
Is sometimes just not enough.

Sometimes it means
Staying up past midnight to bake
Your father some cookies he asked for!
That is what I am doing at 12:27pm.

Up and off the upper floor
Before 10am
And headed out the door,
To drop off coat donations,
Second hand store donations,
Wash my car
And gas and wash John's car
All before 1pm
And before I got my lunch!

John was up by 3
And we were off to Lucan by 4
To celebrate my oldest nephews engagement.

John also got to visit
A cousin he hadn't seen in years.

So here we are baking at midnight.

forgiveness can be a bitter pill,
But easy if you just change your mindset!
Life back to my plans
Includes going when staying home
Would have been easier!
Learning what I want to work on
Isn't necessarily playing and crafting
Sometimes other things take priority!
Friendship doesn't necessaries
Happen on purpose!
Me (alone) time
Is as important as US time!
Sometimes a talent
Can be a gift!

Good night from John Street


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