Jan 26


I have a wild imagination!

So I woke up and got going,
With a plan in my head of the
Circuitous route I would make
To accomplish everything today.

Job 1 was big enough!
Get up and dressed
Job 2
Load vehicle with donations
Job 3
Eat breakfast (piece of coffee cake)
Job 4
Big delivery to Grace Cafe
Job 5
Donations for women's shelter dropped off
Job 6
Reward self with tea

At this point I looked at the clock
And realized it was 9:15am.
A whole HOUR earlier than I thought...
What kind of dream was I having
Last might  before I got up?
Well, that just meant more time
To get everything accomplished!

Job 7
London Giant Tiger - foundation pieces
Job 8
Penningtons - no luck
Job 9
Gas up car
Job 10
Bankers boxes, and some new undies
Job 11
Coffee at Mom's
Job 12
Wash car (35 min wait)
Job 13
Wash John's car (25 min wait)
Job 14
Put away today's purchases
Job 15
Make chilli (made 4 pots)
Job 16
Make meatloaf (for this weekend)
Job 17
Make seafood coquille for supper
Job 18
Clean kitchen
Job 19
Car windshield cleaning
Job 20
Valleyview pub night
Job 21
Tupperware order placed
Job 22
Box up out of season clothing
Job 23
Hang load of laundry started this morning
Job 24
Clean dishes away
Job 25
Empty and reorganize foundation garments
Job 26
Bag all garbage up and get rid of it
Job 27
Eat giant banana split John made me for a snack tonight!!!!!!!!

I am off to sleep.
Road trip saturday

Good night from John Street


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