Jan 3


Wednesday's mean LDO.
But I woke up feeling less
Than perfect with incredibly itchy eyes.

Track pant day!
I decided to get my house in order.
My kitchen specifically.

Meal planning by explanation
Is based on ads, and recipes.
My meal plans start
With the leftovers in my fridge.

So I spent a couple of hours
And prepped a weeks worth of meals
And only had to clean up once.

Caught up on the laundry,
And worked on my 2018 planner.

Supper was fresh burgers
And homemade Mac salad.

We watched a bit of tv
And talked and suddenly
It was time for bed
And John to head to work.

We got some laundry put away
And he was off.

I am sure I will have no problem
Going to sleep tonight.

Good night from John Street


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