Jan 9


Determined to be purposeful today.

Waking up after a weekend
Of painful coughing,
And having to sleep elevated,
Left much to be desired.


I ducked it up,
Listed the problems, figured solutions
And got going by 9am.

Good thing too.
With a supportive chat
I managed not oy to clean
But reorganize and downsize
10 kitchen drawers today.

A big bag of garbage
And big box of donations.

Sat quietly for an hour
Before off to a coffee meet up
Passing out of some gifts
To peeps I had not seen over
The busy holidays!

Home again,
I ate some supper,
Recleaned the kitchen
And did the dishes
Before heading up
To tackle my room.

Just tidying before bed
Calms the room down
And I can relax and rest.

Should sleep well,
I worked pretty hard today!

Good night from John Street


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