Jan 19


It's all about saying it out loud!

Yesterday I said
"I am finding it harder
And harder to get up by 9am.
I have no problem waking up.
I just can't get started..."

This morning I was awake before 8am!

Friday chores:
Strip the bed and vacuum the room
Fold, hand and start laundry
Put clean dishes away
And pull out supper.

I also picked up meds
Dropped off a donation to the local
Soup kitchen,
And was at Friday coffee
Just after 10am!

9 women this week!

Home again,
I prepped supper (stir fry)
I baked a cake
And cleaned the kitchen.
I wrapped 31 ty gifts for sunday
And pretty much vegetated
The rest of the night.

Here I am at 9:21pm
With a clean main floor,
Pj'ed up, medicated
And have all my clean laundry put away.

Me and a book and a couple turtles
Have a date tonight
In a clean sheeted bed
Before the hustle
And bustle of saturday happens!

Good night from John Street


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