Jan 28


A work in progress kind of day!

My week to bring lunch to Valleyview
And I made chili.
Easy to pack and serve.

Kept dad busy after mass
Trying to think of things he'd like to do
Throughout 2018.
A bucket list sort of!

By 12:30 he was fading,
So we packed up and headed home.
It was beautiful out
So John got me a couple xl totes
And I tore down all the outside
Christmas decor and lights!

Came inside and relaxed for a while
And then whipped up baby potatoes,
Fresh green beans and butter poached
Swordfish with fresh chives
And turnovers for dessert.

John washed the dishes.

I spent the evening finishing
A couple drawn out chores,
Where is a label when you need one?
Folding some laundry,
Packing for this coming weekend's trip,
And organizing a craft to bring.

Relaxed for the rest of the night
Posting photos and updating sites.

Now it is 10pm and bedtime.

We will see what tomorrow will bring!

Good night from John Street


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