My little world began spinning this morning at 6 am! 
Yes indeed Nancy, the crack of ugly.

It is only a few people who do not understand the dilemma I faced this morning, 
the morning that wanted to start 
when I laid down to go to sleep last night.

I self diagnosed a cold for sure Monday with knowing hints by Sunday night.
Tuesday, I dutifully medicated and rested,
I even stayed in my pjs all day.
Wednesday morning I was invited out to a sale.
Who doesn't love a sale?
in my mind I would go, come back, get on pjs and rest all afternoon.

I am really not sure what part of my brain misunderstood the 
"come back, get on pjs and rest all afternoon"
but we left at 10 and got home just before 3.

Do you have or live with someone with an invisible disease?
even when we KNOW better,
we appear to be similar to people 
but with no ON/OFF switch.
NORMAL human beings 
start their day with coffee or tea 
and go off to work or begin getting their family going for the day.
They go about their day and do whatever is necessary
chores, kids, work, groceries
and this is their routine.

You cannot "see" my disease and I have gotten pretty good at hiding it.
Close friends can sometimes see me lying 
because they have gotten good at my "tells"
(I have learnt that poker is not my game).
People with invisible diseases
in a 30 day period
might have only 10-15 good days.
Sometimes more.
Sometimes less.
But you'll never know for sure.....
because NOTHING will stop us when we want to do something.

So shopping yesterday became an event.
We were having fun.
Yes, I should have been resting,
but a cold is nothing in comparison to what I am usually dealing with.
So, the lack of actual pain
makes us forget we have an OFF button
until it is too late.
The next day
we usually pay for our stupidity.

on rare occasions. 
my ON button gets stuck and I just want to do 500 things.

and I go to bed with great intentions of rest before I get up and get going.
but I couldn't find the "STOP" button.
Last night my brain was going a million miles a minute.
At 6 am I figured I would be more useful actually doing things
than lying there tossing and turning.

So it is 6:45. I have straightened the living room,
reset up the laptop desk,
straightened the kitchen, 
made coffee,
and have a load of dishes soaking.
I have straightened a cupboard!
I have everything beside me to work on the Christmas planner,
I have photographic evidence of the messes I plan to tackle today.
In just 5-10 minutes I will also have a clipboard with a long TO DO list.
I can hear everyone rustling around upstairs.

The problem for me is not my illness.
Sometimes for me it is just
forgetting to stop
take a breath
enjoy the anal retentive space I have created in our home 
(yes they moved the kleenex box again - gotta put it back)

How about I aim to at least hit the "PAUSE" occasionally today?


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