November 26th 2014

Some days just don't amount to much.
Some days are not meant to have you singing and skipping through the house.

I can hold a grudge a long time, but when I am not even given 24 hours to process my frustration, it just makes me madder.

Anyway, I had coffee with Connie, got all the embroidery I planned to do done. I got a lot of straightening up done, post it notes posted, organizer organized, ebay items organized and a massive headache dealt with.

Tomorrow I hope to wake up in a great mood and ready to get stuff done. My goals are always high but my interest level wains. Especially if I am alone in my endeavors to accomplish things.

Tomorrow night I am going to Heritage Gardens to make my front door wreath and my 2 front porch urns. (finally) That sounds exciting! Not sure who is going except me and Caroline, but I have my ribbon ready.

What else is on the list of simple things to do????????

  • Never give a gift that is not nicely wrapped
    (at the very least use a gift bag)
  • Give a donation every time you pass a Salvation Army bell ringer
    (they are tired and doing good work)
  • Put white twinkle lights on your house plants
    (year round!)
  • Have a special accessory or outfit you only wear on Christmas Day
    (even it is just earrings)
  • Regardless of the temperature, have a fire blazing in your fireplace on Christmas Eve and Day
    (no fireplace? use the tv one)
  • Wrap a gift in an odd shaped package to keep the recipient guessing
    (or a larger than necessary box)
  • If you have young children or pets,
    be aware of poisonous greenery like pointsettias, holly and mistletoe
    (fake looks just as good)
  • Make a friend of an enemy this Christmas

Good night


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