November 30th 2014

What a lovely Sunday. Slept late, breakfast with my favourite teen daughter, and the two of us got the Christmas organization binder and the post it note wall caught up for the week and organized while John was out changing the tires on his car. 

He was up at 4am (ewwwwww) and got the Essex into the garage, new and higher legs on the sofa and the floors under the sofa cleaned. 

I made a new pork roast recipe
It was well worth trying. The three of us had an early supper so Judy could head off to work.

I did some wrapping, and did the three upper kitchen cupboard displays (almost done).
I am happy with the progress I am making.
Slowly but surely I am getting not only the gifts bought but the house decorated
and the plans being made.
for more information on the system we are trying this year.

My plans for tomorrow include a candy stock up run.
I am terribly excited about it. That will be the second big stock up for the holidays.
The last big stock up is the homemade chocolate weekend in a couple weeks.

I relaxed this evening in a semi organized house, watching a few episodes of NCIS.
The whole idea of being ahead of things for the holidays is a bit unnerving.
I keep checking and double checking my lists and post its but every time I do,
I still seem to be ahead of things!
It feels like I am forgetting something but I can't seem to locate what that might be.

And here is the last 8 simple ideas to end November:

  • Take your family and some neighborhood kids ice skating
  • Ruth's World Class Praline's

    2 cups sugar
    1/4 tsp salt
    1 tsp baking soda
    1 cup buttermilk
    2 tbsp butter
    1 1/2 cups pecan halves
    1 tsp vanilla

    In a large heavy saucepan combine first 4 ingredients.Bring to a boil quickly and stir constantly. When mixture becomes a creamy beige colour, add the butter and pecans and cook over medium heat then add the vanilla. Beat with a spoon until it looses its gloss, and drop in mounds on wax paper. Work quickly as this hardens fast.
  • Load everyone in the car and put on a Christmas CD. Drive through neighborhoods looking at the displays calling out Merry Christmas to anyone you see
  • Anonymously send a card to someone who has wronged you, with a sincere wish for happiness and well being
  • Serve holiday cookies on a Santa platter
  • Give a small thank you gift to guests who come to visit
  • If you are feeling harried, go sit in a church pew and reflect on the real meaning of the season
  • Host a holiday reception for a friend who has started a new business
Good Night and good bye November


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