November 11th 2014

It was all over facebook, the news and the internet.

Today was Rememberance Day.
No matter how old I am or whom I know or do not know
who served to keep me safe and free, I will respect this day.

I was however amazed at just how many people do not honour that
TWO minutes of silence.
I stopped when the radio announced what time it was and pulled over (I was in my truck). So many people walked by me, so many cars passed me. There was no specific age or gender - it was everyone. I got so irritated I turned up my radio so they could hear the trumpet. NO ONE minded, they continued on their very important tasks of getting into Dollarama.

I had hoped to see more respect.

Today's 8 "little things" 

  • Tell your children about Christmas when you were their age
    (if they'll listen)
  • Wear a colorful Christmas tie to holiday parties
    (or ugly Christmas sweater)
  • Wear outrageous Christmas socks
    (I have a whole drawer full and I hate socks!)
  • Give friends new to town a subscription to their old hometown newspaper
  • Buy Christmas mugs for everyone in the family
    (every year)
  • Sleep under a homemade quilt on Christmas eve
    (I would if someone made me one - hint hint hint)
  • Watch "Its a wonderful Life"
    (for me it is White Christmas)
  • Watch "Frosty the Snowman"
    (and all the other classics)
Good night
and thank you...................................


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