November 8th 2014

SO SORRY I AM LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday started VERY EARLY. I was on the road by 7am. So not like me at all. I am glad I had everything ready the night before...... I picked up Connie and we were outa here.

A quick stop to get rid of some donations in the back of my truck and get our tea and muffin and I hit the highway with Birch Run MI on the GPS. Conie and I have been planning this road trip for some weeks now. There is a large scrapbooking "event" we are headed to. Shopping shopping shopping. A short wait at the border and we arrived at the mall by 10:28 (we looked at the clock). It was a yucky rainy trip and a rough night for the wildlife in Michigan. So many deer and a few "dingoes" hahahhahahhah Connie!

The event itself was smaller than expected. A lot of booths sold the same kind of thing but there were plenty of deals to be gotten.

Specialty papers, Disney, and some embellishments. We were outa there and headed over to check out the outlet stores we love. Not many deals to be had this time, but a great trip to the dollar store. We decided to have dinner NOT in Frankenmuth this time, but at Bob Evans again, where the waiter we had 2 months ago recognized us! Awesome dinner and then we decided to hit a Super K. Kmart, Woolco, Zellers, stores of the past in Canada. So we had fun in the bigger size area of the Kmart as it was open until 10pm and then headed over to the all night Walmart almost next door. Successful shopping for both of us, and had us at the gas station at 11:30pm.

The drive home was uneventful EXCEPT that for the first time ever, I was pulled in to pay duty. I had no idea what was expected of me, so we just plodded through and paid the duty.

Home by 2am. What a long day. BUT so much fun! We laughed and giggled all day and spent way more than intended.

8 more things to make you have a great holiday.

  • Buy more scotch tape, wrapping paper, tags and enclosure cards than you think you will need
    (buy a small pack of blank cards to use as thank you cards or notecards)
  • Lists help you get organized. Sit down on each Sunday after Thanksgiving and make lists of supplies etc you will need. a gift list a visit list and what goodies you want to make this year
    (Follow an online planning site)
  • Deliver coffee cakes to your neighbors to enjoy on Christmas morning
    (We deliver flavoured coffee creamer)
  • Never write Xmas instead of Christmas
    (My Grandma always said it took Christ out of her Christmas)
  • Enjoy a couple meals this year illuminated only by the lights of your tree
    (I enjoy doing this on a stressful day - no tv and no radio)
  • Recycle. Use a curling iron to reuse wrinkled ribbon, and crumpled wrapping paper as packing material
  • Rosemary's Cranberry Salad

    1 pound of cranberries
    4 oranges (1 unpeeled)
    1 - 15oz can crushed pineapple in juice
    2 cups sugar
    1/2 cup orange juice
    3 envelopes of unflavoured gelatin
    1/2 pound pecans (optional)

    Wash and sort the berries. Peel all and cut up all but one orange. In a food grinder or processor, grind up the cranberries and oranges. Add the drained pineapple, reserving the juice. Stir in the sugar and mix well. In a small saucepan mix the reserved juice and orange juice. Sprinkle gelatin on top and stir. Heat until gelatin is completely dissolved. Add to the fruit mixture. Fold in nuts if desired. Pour into a greased bundt pan, chill until set.
  • When feeling overwhelmed, break bigger projects into smaller manageable tasks. For example break down holiday cards into 10 per day until they are done.
    (I break them down onto post it notes - surprise)

Good night


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