March 3rd 2021

I was sleepy!
But up and busy by 9:30.

2 loads of laundry,
Clean kitchen,
Supper pulled out - green enchiladas,
Rooms all in order
And internet portals all checked.
I even checked in on mom
Who is almost fully recovered
From a bit of stomach flu.

By noon
I was in my craft room.
2 first hair cut layouts,
A c section layout
And the beginning of a series
Of floral accents I will sell.

I decorated the front
Of my free Canada Post postcard
And then John and I
Went for a walk to mail it.
It was a beautiful sunny day
So we walked until my knee
Started to hurt and came home.

Heard from my nephew who
Is really liking his new job,
While my hubby straightened out
A bit of the backyard,
And watched while the 2 cats
Played outside in the sun
On their leashes.

Tonight was relaxing,
Dinner and some tv,
While friends shared goofy 
Hospital photos of me
-can you believe it?-
10 years ago now.

Now John is off to work 
And I am in bed with Archie.

Good night from John Street


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