March 24th 2021

Happy Christmas Eve.

I was in motion right away.
I had some last minute gifts
And a couple pick ups,
Plus some groceries.

All great until I got home at 1.
Stupid Crohn's.
I sat for a bit contemplating.
Then said "screw it" ,
Put dinner off by an hour
And slowly made my way through
The list I wanted to accomplish.

Great dinner!
Roast chicken, stuffing, gravy,
Mashed potatoes, fresh green beans,
Brussel sprouts, peas,
Turnip and cream corn!
Fresh rolls and butter
With warm cherry and pumpkin pie.

It had been my turn to do
The filling of the stockings
And I think I did a good job
Focusing on spring bulbs!

Gifts were fun and silly
And everyone was smiling.

Then John headed up for a nap
While mom and I laid on the sectional
Too full to move!!!!!!

Time to sleep it off!

Good night from John Street


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