March 16th 2021

The first 5 hours of today,
Raced by
As I did chores and cleaning,
Organized a dump zone,
And started working
On all the prizes for 
the big event on the 27th.

I then hit the bank
And dollar store for the items
I had on my list.

While I was there
I stocked all my Easter items
And a couple ST Patrick's items too!

Home again
And I managed to make
A French dip dinner
With mashed potatoes and peas
And a fresh loaf of bread.

A bit of cleaning
And then off to a 2pnt
Socially distant meeting
To discuss last minute details.

Home once again,
And it was time to chill out.
Some tv and a snack...

And now I am very tired.
Time for some sleep.

Tomorrow is green day.

Good night from John Street


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