March 13th 2021

Up dressed and ready
To start the scrapbook event
Before the 9am start!

By noon I had
Both school albums begun.
In fact,
I had grades 1 to 7 base pages
Complete and the plans for 
The grade 8 pages figured out.

Off on a whirlwind trip.
Pay tax man, 
drop off pick up
Out on Sparta Line,
Drop off on Erie Street,
Pick up in Lambeth
And then home.
Nice day for a sunny drive.

Home again,
Sold some punches and then
Time to finish grade 8,
And grade 9 to 11.

At 6pm I put everything
Into albums... 52+ pages!!
No photos, just backgrounds
And photo Matt's and decor.

I crashed hard into a recliner.
Supper was mac and cheese
And anything else I could find,
I was starving!
I was exhausted!

I fell asleep in the recliner.
A leg cramp woke me up,
And I dropped into bed.

Good night(morning) from John Street


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