March 22nd 2021

Slept late!

$et up with my partner to get
Pizza cards for the pod packs!
Grabbed Subway for lunch
For the 2 of us
Only to come home to find John mia.

He was out picking up boat parts.

I spent most of the afternoon fielding
Questions and last minute requests,
While trying to photograph
All the auction items for this weekend.

John got home and ate his lunch
While I had a nice OUTSIDE visit
With Luca and his pet Anne.

Then we were off to Mom's where we
Switched mattress locations
For her as she is getting
Her new mattress on Wednesday.

Back home neither of us
Was hungry enough for supper
And I had massive headache.

4 Tylenol got it under control
And I spent the rest of the night
With my feet up.
The house is a mess.
Too bad.

Good night from John Street


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