Sept 6


An early start
After a breakfast of bagels
And hot cereal! Mmmm

I had the car packed to go
Last night before bed,
So makeup bags
And our butts were all
That needed loading.

Stopped and filled the tank
As we headed out.
GPS claimed we could be home
By 4:15pm but
That would be no stops.
(Or construction delays)

Drove till 2
When we finally found
An Olive Garden! Yay
Lunch all eaten,
We made a quick pit stop
At their local Jo-anns.

Back on the road,
After refueling
And we crossed back into Canada
Around 5:30pm.

Arrived at Valleyview at 7pm
To be met by Dad, John
And Bon Jovi - I mean Tink.

Swapped a few stories,
Showed a few pix,
Moved my stuff to John's car
And said good night
And good bye.

John and I spent about 2 hours
Talking about the trip
While I found and gave him
His gifts... quite a few!

Shooter was VERY excited to see me,
Otter was indifferent.

I am now showered,
And laying in my own bed
For the first time in 25 days!!!

Sleep time here
And Remicade tomorrow.

Lots to do
And looking forward to it!

Good night from John Street


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