Sept 12


Wednesday I consider
My day off.

LDO starts at 10
So I also get to sleep a little later!

I managed to trim cut
110 cards
And hole punch and add ties
To 56 tags.
All the while chatting
With the ladies.
Also created today:
A tool class - once per month!

I left there
To check out a store closing,
Off to check door prizes
For the upcoming crop,
Emailed some people
Looking for tickets still,
Had my laptop fixed
And picked up everything
For a hamburger bbq
And homemade Mac salad.

The late afternoon and evening
I spent doing NOTHING at all.
I watched tv.

How exhausting can a day
Of doing nothing be?
I am recouped from
The last 2 days of organizing though!

Tomorrow is donuts
with Dad in the morning,
Moving layouts into the scrap room
In the afternoon
And quarterpalooza at night.

Never much downtime
Around here eh?

Good night from John Street


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